This Stakeholder Management Plan will assist WATERAGRI with
managing and facilitating engagement through the lifetime of the
project to ensure maximum impact of the project results
Project Deliverables
The Stakeholder Training Material provides opportunities and knowledge for farmers, farmer advisory organizations, on how to improve the sustainability and productivity of farming to water-efficient use in agricultural sectors.
This report presents the concept and design of the serious game AgriLemma and a summary of gameplay results. The game captures the complexity of farming and aims to help stakeholders better understand trade-offs between outcomes of available options and appreciate technologies and solutions developed in the WATERAGRI project.
An early engagement workshop was organized in Month 9 of the WATERAGRI project to provide internal and external stakeholders with a general overview of the WATERAGRI project and obtain their feedback. This document presents the planning, execution and results of this workshop.
The WATERAGRI Workshop 2 was organized in Month 11 of the project to provide internal and external stakeholders with an overview of the WATERGAGRI framework and obtain their feedback. This document presents the planning, execution and results of the workshop.
The objectives of the 3rd WATERAGRI workshop (WS3) were to present and obtain feedback on the information products that can be made available with the current version of the cloud-based simulation and data assimilation system. This report presents the planning, execution, and results of WS3.
The design and concept of the final prototype of AgriLemma were presented at the 4th WATERAGRI stakeholder consultation workshop (WS4). It was a physical meeting at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. 13 participants, including the workshop organizers, attended the workshop.
Deliverable D2.2 “Farm Models and Interoperability Mechanism” report the activities of Tasks T2.2 (Farm Management System) and T2.3 (Farm Model Predictions). The Deliverables describe the Interoperability tools to manage WATERAGRI farm and sensor data and a set of models and practices to support the water and nutrient resources management at the farm scale.
Deliverable “D3.1: Assessment of Use of Remotely Sensed Vegetation to Improve Irrigation” report the activities of Tasks T3.2 (Irrigation Scheduling). The Deliverable describes the role of Lidar in excess water risk mapping, the utilization of groundwater and surface water for irrigation, hydrological modelling to support irrigation, RS based yield prediction model and RS based vegetation data in irrigation.
This report gives an overview of the WATERAGRI activities in the Italian case study that investigated the effect of different wetland types on agricultural drainage water treatment, as well as the capacity of these systems for nutrient recovery recycling.
This deliverable reports on Risk Assessment for Wetland Sediment Applications on Agricultural Land. The main content is a thorough and critical evaluation (literature review) of the wetland coupled agriculture and the related concerns such as nutrients, sediments and contamination risks. This will also be supported by the two case studies.
Deliverable 4.3 addresses Task 4.2 Drainage Systems and covers the outcomes from drainage solutions in Finland and Austria, supported by results of activated biochar. This deliverable aims to develop and assess innovative, bio-inspired multilayer drainage systems that capture nutrients from runoff and other streams.
This report explains the development work carried out on using biobased membranes for nutrient recovery from agricultural runoff. Nanocellulose films were functionalised by the cationisation step for optimised affinity for primarily phosphate ions.
This work assesses various commercially available biochars’ capacity to adsorb nutrients from a solution and their potential to act as a substrate for retaining nutrients from runoff water. The biochar materials are pyrolysis products of various organic materials, wood and agricultural sidestreams.
This deliverable focuses on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of agricultural water to determine the concentrations of micronutrients and micropollutants, along with the design and development of microfluidic systems to recover micronutrients.
This report is the second deliverable in WP5 “Demonstration Case Studies”. In Deliverable D5.1, each case study site was described and a first version of the installation plan (i.e. plan for installation for the WATERAGRI solutions at the case study site) and of the research plan have been developed for each site.
This deliverable is the final deliverable in WP5 “Demonstration Case Studies”. After Deliverable D5.1 “Description of Case Study Sites” and Deliverable D5.2 “WATERAGRI Solution Test Findings”, this third deliverable in WP5 describes the main findings from testing WATERAGRI solutions at the Case Study sites.
The main task of D6.1 was to report the assessment of the proposed innovation methods to retain water and nutrients. This was done considering functionality and different technical aspects for their wider implementation. The output of this evaluation are Factsheets on different solutions.
This report shows the integration of selected WATERAGRI technologies in physically based models, such as irrigation scheduling and drainage control. It demonstrates how improved irrigation scheduling and runoff/drainage management using physically based models can reduce the impacts of drought stress and overly wet conditions in the face of climate variability now and in the future.
The design and concept of the final prototype of AgriLemma were presented at the 4th WATERAGRI stakeholder consultation workshop (WS4). It was a physical meeting at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. 13 participants, including the workshop organizers, attended the workshop.
This deliverable aimed to assess the impact of the soil Water Retainer on different soil types and catchment dynamics. It was concluded that the application of the water retainer does not significantly influence a catchment’s water balance.
The deliverable presents the development of the visual interface of the WATERAGRI framework. The main objective of the framework is to assist project stakeholders in evaluating and adopting WATERAGRI solutions.
This deliverable reports on the data assimilation systems for physically based models developed in WATERAGRI. The data assimilation systems are designed to provide the best possible estimates of hydrologic conditions in agricultural watersheds. Deliverable shows the first simulations with and without data assimilation and how agricultural decision-making at the plot scale could look like when physically based models are used operationally.
This report summarizes the strategy of the consortium and concrete actions to disseminate and communicate the foreground generated by the project, pointing out responsibilities and activities. In the DCP, the type of messages, key audiences and channels are specified and detailed. The DCP also includes a project visual identity and common layout for the communication materials (guaranteeing a professional and consistent look).
As a requirement of a multi-actor approach, this Deliverable formalises the first batch of ‘Practice Abstracts’. These Practice Abstracts present innovative and practical insights from project activities in accessible, easy-to-use material for end-users. This knowledge is described in simple terms and easily understood by lay-persons and/or specific stakeholders.
This strategy intends to help making the projects’ research agenda and research findings relevant to policymaking in a way that has an impact on how policy is formed, implemented, and understood.
This document details a strategy for the implementation of the Enablers Advisory Board in the WATERAGRI project.
This deliverable represent the update of the WATERAGRI Dissemination and Communication Plan (D8.1), which is a comprehensive and living document that outlines the tools, channels, and activities to be put in place throughout the project to ensure a successful and consistent visual representation of the WATERAGRI project as well as its activities for successful dissemination of results.