WATERAGRI Pilot Site – Lower Silesia

WATERAGRI partners from Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr) from Poland are overseeing the pilot site in Lower Silesia. During a recent General Assembly meeting in Bologna, Wiesław Fiałkiewicz from UPWr provided a brief explanation of the activities related to testing WATERAGRI solutions at this pilot site.

The pilot site in Poland is situated in a small agricultural catchment of 17 square kilometers, and UPWr partners are collaborating with a farmer who owns approximately 5000 hectares of land. The farm encompasses diverse soils, including sandy and alluvial soils, and experiences a continental climate. At this pilot site, UPWr partners have developed a physically based hydrological model. This model is utilized to test WATERAGRI solutions, including a water retainer and solutions based on remote sensing techniques.

Solutions tested at the Poland pilot site could enhance water retention in the soil, thereby reducing nutrient losses to surface water. Consequently, this improvement can positively impact crop production at a farm scale.

Watch the video to find out more!

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