UNIDEB is a unique internationally renowned university in Hungary. The UNIDEB’s Institute of Water and Environmental Management research focuses on precision agriculture and water management, such as surface waters, groundwater, micro-climate properties of agricultural plants, irrigation methods, and the synchronizing with GIS into databases.
Within WATERAGRI the main UNIDEB role will be related to the implementation of the pilot activities in Hungary, which will include evaluation of utilization of alternative water sources for irrigation, validation by vegetation mapping, and development of irrigation technology demonstration guidelines. Also, the UNIDEB will be engaged in the project activities related to farmer engagement, innovative sustainable water retention and management measure, and sustainability and technical evaluation of proposed innovation and measures.

Key persons
Prof. Dr. János Tamás (male) is a full-time professor and the Head of the Institute of Water and Environmental Management (IWEM). He has a Ph.D. since 1992 and a DSc since 2007. His professional area is agricultural and water management applications based on GIS modeling and remote sensing techniques, precision agriculture, environmental informatics, and water management. He has more than 36 years of experience in research and education.
Dr. Attila Nagy (male) is an associate professor at IWEM. He has a Ph.D. since 2009 in the field of crop and horticultural sciences. He undertook his habilitation in 2016 on the topic of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) based monitoring and identification of agro-hydrological parameters such as drought-related yield loss or fruit ripening. He has 14 years of professional experience in monitoring crops and orchards in response to drought and water stress, irrigation scheduling, and GIS-based analysis of erosion and surplus water risk.
Dr. Tamás Magyar (male) is a senior lecturer at the IWEM. He has a Ph.D. since 2018 in the earth sciences field. He has 9 years of professional experience in the engineering of waste and water management. He has also 9 years of experience in research and education. Tamás is experienced in different analytical methods; e.g., Scanning electron microscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. His research area focuses on the engineering aspects of water and waste management. Recently, he has extended his research interests to modeling the water-heat-solute transport properties in aerobic- and anaerobic decomposition systems.
Dr. Bernadett Gálya (female) is an assistant lecturer at IWEM. In 2018, she finished her Ph.D. on inland excess water and drought research. The topic of her research is related to modeling of spatial and temporal analysis of drought and surface runoff, inland excess water survey by remote sensing technology, site-specific investigations in cultivation technology and water management in precision agriculture.