Enabler Advisory Board Interview – Riina Rahkila

During the 8th WATERAGRI General Assembly Meeting in Budapest, our Enablers Advisory Board members were interviewed, sharing their perspectives on the project’s activities and results.

Riina Rahkila, Project Manager at ProAgria Oulu ry in Finland, emphasized that the WATERAGRI project offers promising solutions as it addresses both water retention and nutrient recovery in agriculture. Additionally, the project will yield various solutions tailored to farmers’ needs.

Additionally, Riina noted that the project is making good progress in disseminating its results, and project partners are planning to develop policy briefs aimed at influencing changes in policies and regulations to promote more sustainable agriculture.

Regarding financial support of WATERAGRI research after the end of the project, Riina recognized that EU funds could be a good opportunity for new projects that will further explore and develop results from this project.

Insights from Enabler Advisory Board are of crucial importance for iterative development of WATERAGRI tools and its uptake.

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