
WATERAGRI Final Conference

The culmination of the WATERAGRI project was the Final Executive Board meeting and General Assembly held in Lund, Sweden, on April 10th and 11th, 2024. This event coincided with the Lund Sustainability Week, providing a platform for broader public engagement. In addition, Stakeholder Workshop 5 was organized during this event.  

The first day was hosted at the Swedish pilot site in Gårdstånga Nygård. It began with welcome notes by Gustaf Ramel, the host of the farm at Gårdstånga Nygård and Rolf Larsson, the coordinator of WATERAGRI project. This was followed by a keynote address by Patrick Kelly from DG AGRI, who spoke online about potential future EU legislation and actions to support sustainable water management in agriculture. 

Gustaf Ramel
Swedish pilot site owner
Patrick Kelly

A focal point of the conference was the presentation of selected WATERAGRI technologies, where participants from University of Neuchâtel and University of Bologna provided scientific and practical perspectives on wetlands for water and nutrient retention. The event also featured a site visit to the Swedish Case Study location demonstrating the applied wetlands and pond systems, which highlighted practical implementations of the project’s research. The closing remarks at the conference were given by the project coordinator, Rolf Larsson, who emphasized the achievements in sustainable solutions for water retention and nutrient recycling.

Philip Brunner
University of Neuchâtel
Rolf Larsson
Project Coordinator

The project concluded with internal meetings for the WATERAGRI consortium members, where reflections from the Advisory Board and discussions on the future use of the project’s website were prominent topics.

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