Study Visit at Italian Pilot Site

WATTERAGRI partners from Canale Emiliano Romagnolo organized study visit of the Italian pilot site on 29 March. This local event was attended by a small group of college students who had the opportunity to visit the Acqua Campus site and explore its surface flow constructed wetland and pilot plants. The visit was led by two expert lecturers, Francesco Cavazza and Domenico Solimando, who provided the students with valuable insights into the field of water management.

The visit began with a presentation by the lecturers on the importance of sustainable water management practices and the role that innovative technologies can play in this field. The students were then taken on a tour of the Acqua Campus, where they were able to witness the various technologies and processes that are being tested and developed.

Overall, the study visit was a great success. The students left with a deeper understanding of the importance of sustainable water management practices and the role that innovative technologies can play in this field. The WATERAGRI project is doing an excellent job of promoting these practices, and it is hoped that such visits will inspire more people to take an active interest in this crucial area.

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