AKVO Technology for Microfluidic Systems


Eden Microfluidics coordinates the analysis of net agricultural water (micronutrient and micropollutant) to better understand the water quality of irrigation systems and the potential of wastewater reuse. Using this data, it will be possible to determine the potential of Eden’s ground-breaking AKVO water treatment solution, in the field of agricultural wastewater. The sources of wastewaters samples are UNIDEB, UNIBO and UPWr. Water sampling takes place in four phases, considering the climate and geography. This analysis of agricultural waters from various locations across different countries enables Eden Microfluidics to address the possible challenges and showing the viability of implementing AKVO in different geo-platforms.

Eden Microfluidics AKVO compact water treatment system is a bioinspired system facilitating the remediation of polluted waters. AKVO achieves this by replicating systemic fluidic networks found in nature: the vascular systems of humans and plans. For instance, our blood vessels supply oxygen and remove waste from our bodies, with our heart acting as a pump. Astonishingly, this biological microfluidic system only outputs an average of 1.3 watts in energy but is capable of pumping 7 liters of blood per minute through our entire body. Inspired by nature’s design Eden Microfluidics have constructed own microfluidic system to transport and process water at low energy. AKVO is composed of filtrating discs, about the size of a CD, stacked in groups of 10s and 100s, depending on the clients’ needs. The discs are engraved with networks of microchannels, organized into smart energy microfluidic grids. One AKVO cartridge is composed of stacked CDs of varying numbers, combined to create a miniaturized factory. A single AKVO core treats 0.5-2 m3/day, so an AKVO system composed of 10000 CDs can treat average municipal needs. Our system is composed of 3 casing housing: a prefiltration cartridge, an AKVO cartridge, and a cleaning agent reservoir. Each housing unit ranges in size up to 50 cm in height. Thus, the entire AKVO system is comparable to a suitcase in size. Eden Microfluidics with its radical AKVO microfluidic system for water & wastewater treatment is in line with European Green Deal objectives. AKVO is a highly efficient solution which consumes at least 10 times less energy than other conventional technologies currently in use.

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Developed by

Eden Microfluidics


Dr. Cécile Perrault
Dr. Wei Zhao

Case Study - Where We Test Our Solution

Microfluidics system is being activated at case study locations:

  • Lower Silesia, Poland, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Detected pesticide type: Terbutylazine, Chlorotoluron
  • Bologna, Italy, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Detected pesticide type: Fluorene, Phenanthrene, Terbutylazine
  • Nyirbator, Hungary, University of Debrecen

Solution Test Progress

Eden Microfluidics are currently evaluating a single microfluidic chip for the degradation of pesticide-like micropollutants (Ciprofloxacin, BPA, PFOA, and PFHxS etc.) to further understand the chip’s potential for a wide range of aquatic micropollutant degradation.

By the end of 2022, Eden Microfluidics expect to have the first AKVO prototype ready. Furthermore, AKVO’s efficiency will be assessed using wastewater from our partners.


  • Agricultural wastewater micronutrient management and re-use strategies within a circular economy context manuscript will be drafted for publication, based on obtained results. The publication will present insights on how to achieve efficient and cost-effective wastewater management in the agricultural sector.
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