


ULUND is coordinating WATERAGRI. The Division of Water Resources Engineering from ULUND leads WATERAGRI and WP9. The team’s expertise is in water resources engineering/management, agricultural water management, sustainable drainage and constructed wetlands. In collaboration with USAL, ULUND will develop the Dewaterability Estimation Test device further. Furthermore, the Agrifood Economics Centre from ULUND will work with the socio-economic analysis of measures/techniques that are being proposed in the project. The Faculty of Law (ULUND) will assist with intellectual property rights.


Eden Microfluidics introducing its ultra-compact and energy-saving technology for water treatment in the agricultural environment and for the removal of agricultural-specific micro-pollutants (e.g., nitrate and phosphate). The small footprint and low energy requirement of this technology make it ideal for deployment in remote areas with limited options for advanced water treatments. This technology, scalable for domestic, industrial or large communal uses, is key to encouraging circular use of water in farms as agricultural effluents can carry a significant amount of antibiotics, pesticides and other chemicals and must be treated prior to re-insertion in the water circuit. The AKVO technology also enables recovery of the pollutants for possible later re-use.

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ)

FZJ is responsible for WP3 and various WP tasks. FZJ set up integrated terrestrial system models for different field sites. It is responsible for the data assimilation activities in the project, which means the optimal merging of in situ and remotely sensed measurement data and terrestrial system models. The obtained information is used for short- and medium-scale predictions for small agricultural catchments and linking these characterizations and predictions to water retention and water resources management measures in a cloud environment. FZJ also supports high-performance computing aspects of terrestrial systems modelling and maintaining the physically-based terrestrial systems modelling framework TSMP.

Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT)

VTT is leading WP4 on the technical development of nutrient retention solutions. The centre is a research and technology development company whose activities are focused on three areas: Knowledge intensive products and services, smart industry and energy systems, and solutions for natural resources and the environment. VTT can combine different technologies, produce information, upgrade technology knowledge, and create business intelligence and add value for its stakeholders.

University of Debrecen (UNIDEB)

The main contribution of UNIDEB is to WP5 concerned with the demonstration case studies. UNIDEB is responsible for the case study in Hungary for the following processes: 1) Evaluation of utilization of alternative water sources for irrigation, 2) Validation by vegetation mapping, 3) Development of irrigation technology demonstration guidelines. UNIDEB is also involved in WP1 on farmer engagement, WP2 on water retention and nutrient management at the farm scale, WP3 on innovative sustainable water retention and management measures, and WP5 on sustainability and technical evaluation of proposed innovations and measures.

alchemia-nova (ALCN)

The main roles of ALCN are within WP2, WP3 and WP4. Within WP2 ALCN provides support for sensor integration. Within WP3 it modifies substrate for additional water retention. Within WP4 ALCN supports the design and development of a passive aeration system for intensified wetlands and the development of bioengineering techniques for other constructive solutions, develops and assesses innovative, bio-inspired and multi-layer drainage systems for nutrient capture and tests effects and methods of employing biochar to enhance the performance of selected wetland and drainage systems, specifically: nutrient loading techniques using recovered nutrient solution.

Agrogeo Ltd. ( AGROGEO)

Agrogeo Ltd. participates in WP1 on farmer engagement and WP6 on sustainability and technical evaluation of proposed innovations and measures. For WP5, AGROGEO assesses the economic sustainability including the cost structure of five small farms in collaboration with the GRANOFARM and PLANTOFERM9 EIP AGRI Groups.

University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

BOKU is the lead of WP5 on demonstration case studies, involved in WP1 on farmer engagement, WP2 on water retention and nutrient management at the farm scale, WP3 on innovative sustainable water retention and management measures, WP5 on sustainability and technical evaluation of proposed innovations and measures and WP7 on framework development.  BOKU is involved in developing user-friendly and simplified models for technologies to be implemented in the WATERAGRI framework, and is responsible for tracer experiments and tracer approach advancement.

Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Italy (UNIBO)

UNIBO activities in the WATERAGRI project focus on the recovery of nutrients using nature-based solutions and on water retention and management measures at different scales. Together with CER it operates and studies a surface flow constructed wetland located in Northern Italy and builds different pilot systems (WP5). In addition, UNIBO contributes to the model development of a farm irrigation management system and to the economic, environmental and social analyses.

The University of Salford (USAL)

USAL focuses on the farm-scale hydrology modelling in WATERAGRI. Salford has developed a novel physicochemical water-vapour sorption isotherm and water retention characteristic (WVSI-WRC) model for unsaturated soils. This model gives predictions/estimations for the pore size distribution by getting rid of the soil and water composition effects. In collaboration with ULUND and Assessment Technologies Water (UK) Ltd, USAL demonstrates the new USAL-developed Dewaterability Estimation Test (DET) device.


CER is engaged in WP1 as a principal agricultural water stakeholder, and in WP2 providing its experience and know-how concerning water resources management and governance at the farm scale. CER is also involved in WP3 and in WP5 (demonstration case study) and contributes to WP4 for what concerns nutrient recovery from streams. The artificial wetland located at the CER experimental station Acqua Campus, and CER’s farm serve as an Italian case study.

Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego (CDR)

The CDR in Brwinów participates in WP1 on farmer engagement and in WP8 on dissemination and promotion. The tasks of CDR include, in particular, preparing implementation methods for tasks and activities for Provincial Centres of Agricultural Advisory (ODR), preparing and transfer information and training materials for ODR, conducting training for agricultural advisors employed in ODR and in private or commercial advisory companies, as well as for teachers in agriculture schools, running the central information system and data bases for the purposes of agricultural extension, organising shows, seminars and conferences, disseminate the results of scientific research carried out for agriculture as well as the preparation of analyses and forecasts with respect to the development of agricultural extension.


INOSENS leads WP8 activities i.e. WATERAGRI’s dissemination and exploitation activities during and beyond the lifespan of the project, as well as business strategy development and promotion. In WP1, INOSENS provides support to the active engagement of end-users such as farmers.

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr)

UPWr is responsible for demonstration of solutions at the Polish case study site, making inventory of drainage systems, providing data for model development (digital terrain model, surface runoff pathways and vegetation characteristics) and for evaluation and validation of WATERAGRI solutions.

Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd for Applied Research (BZN)

BZN connecting all relevant WATERAGRI activities to their contribution to improve soil health. Within WP4 and WP5, BZN is responsible for analyzing of the microbial composition of systems applied to drainage systems and at case study sites by molecular biology methods (PCR, DGGE and sequencing). In addition, within WP5, BZN develops sampling methodology for all case study sites where microbiological/molecular biological investigations are relevant. Within WP6 BZN coordinate the application, testing and further development of the water retainer product of the sub-contractor Water & Soil Ltd as well as conduct comprehensive life cycle analysis of key WATERAGRI solutions.

Vultus AB (VULTUS)

VULTUS is responsible for most of the remote sensing development and integration, primarily in WP2. The outputs from the VULTUS remote sensing pipeline provide easy-to-interpret outputs of crop specific agronomic states, complementing the information given by the water and nutrient balance models in WP3 and WP7.


UNINE is responsible for WP7 on framework development i.e. for the coordination of the modelling approaches as well as the modelling of the Seeland field site. In close collaboration with FZJ, the numerical models developed in this project are integrated in a data-assimilation framework for real-time modelling of surface and subsurface water resources under agricultural use. The proposed framework can consider various data types such as groundwater levels, remote sensing data of crops and soil moisture data as well as numerous processes including engineering structures such as active drains, groundwater flow and infiltration, water retention infrastructure and irrigation systems. These models provide the basis for the serious gaming approach in WP1.

Delft University of Technology (TUDELFT)

TUDELFT is responsible for the development of a serious game WP1 in WATERAGRI. This work builds on a major track record of key personnel in developing new methodologies for decision support in water engineering.


Gårdstånga Nygård (GN) is a farm located 9 km North of Lund, Sweden. It leads the demonstration case study i.e. constructs and builds a five-hectare wetland for both farming and WATERAGRI research purposes.

University of Oulu (OULU)

OULU is the lead of WP5 and is involved in all WPs especially WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7. OULU is responsible for case studies in Finland, the development of a method to automatically control water levels in drains, modelling of hydrology and water retention on peat soils, and studies on methods to retain water and reduce pollution loads and greenhouse gases from cultivated peatlands. In addition, OULU is involved in developing user-friendly technologies to be implemented in the WATERAGRI framework and remote sensing and environmental tracer approach in model development and calibration.

Agricolus s.r.l. (AGRICOLUS)

Agricolus leads WP2 on Water Resources Management at the farm scale providing the Agricolus platform for precision farming. The Agricolus platform combines environmental data, forecasting models and field observations in a web-based ecosystem to support farmers and advisers in decision-making processes. A crop irrigation model hosted in the Agricolus platform is tested and optimized within WATERAGRI to support farmers. Agricolus participats in WP 3, WP 4, WP 5 and WP7.


INRAE implements the case study of Auxerre and participates in WP1 by testing the serious game with farmers and other stakeholders of the water catchment. In addition, INRAE collects data (sampling and lab analysis) on soil and water nitrate and pesticides content, contributes to the collective analysis of the agricultural practices and farm constructed wetlands, and results on soil and water content and quality contribute to the development of a decision-making framework (WP7) to understand the territorial system bottlenecks and help the local governing body to design and implement step-by-step a successful project for water quality enhancement.


REGELSBERGER provides expertise in Environment, Sustainability, Wastewater Treatment and Water Engineering. It tests WATERAGRI solutions including farm-constructed wetlands and different farming practices within the Austrian context (WP5) and also engages with end-users such as farmers.

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