Given the wide range of solutions provided within WATERAGRI project, it will be difficult to assess which technologies are suitable to stakeholders. The Framework is designed to serve as a navigation platform to guide stakeholders to find solutions for their specific challenges. These solutions are provided by different work packages of WATERAGRI project, including results from simplified model, sustainability assessment, serious game, cost-benefit analysis, results from data assimilation system for physically based models as well as real-time measurements.
What is WATERAGRI Framework and how it is intended for water retention and nutrient recovery processes within WATERAGI project?
The WATERAGRI project has developed multiple technological solutions and innovations for improved water retention and more sustainable agricultural water resources management. The framework integrates the WATERAGRI solutions and gives stakeholders the means to select and combine appropriate products, technologies, methods and models for their specific challenges. These solutions are provided by different work packages of WATERAGRI project including the water retention technologies and nutrient recovery solutions.
What is the Framework capable of?
The Framework can guide the stakeholders step by step to find the solutions most suitable to their cases.
Developed by
Philip Brunner
Qi Tang
How is the Framework developed and how it has been tested?
End-users and the wider stakeholder community will be consulted in the framework development. When designing the framework, several points should be considered:
1) The structure of the Framework should avoid duplications in the presentation of the solutions and make the best use of all the assessments we have done so far. As the Framework needs inputs from all the solution providers, discussion needs to be made between different solution providers, and between stakeholders and solution providers.
2) The categories of both users and solutions needs to be reasonable and realistic.
3) The main functions of the Framework should be tested with different stakeholders to provide the best interface to interact with users by collecting the user’s expectations.
It has been tested by adding the different types of solutions such as the simplified models to the database with an explicit web interface to guide end users to access it.
How Framework can be used by WATERAGRI stakeholders?
The Framework has a visualization platform with the graphic interface, allowing different types of stakeholders to identify themselves at the entrance. Afterwards the system will guide the stakeholder to the solutions depending on their problems/requirements. Three different ways are provided for stakeholders to explore the WATERAGRI solutions: 1) play a game, 2) explore the solutions through the WATERAGRI framework, and 3) look at our case studies. By choosing ‘Explore the solutions through the WATERAGRI framework’, two options are available based on your locations, or your background, as shown in the figure on the cover page.
Visual Interface, Project Deliverable
Physical Based Modelling Outline Draft, Project Deliverable

Framework development.